East Africa Injury Symposium

27973176_1623424354361212_4623018375647510433_nIn 2018,The Johns Hopkins University-Makerere University Chronic Consequences of Trauma, Injuries and Disability in Uganda (Chronic-TRIAD) Program are organized the #InjurySymposium with a focus on Trauma and Injuries in East Africa. Injuries represent a leading cause of death in the African region, where it claims over 900,000 deaths annually (WHO, 2015).

This 2-day symposium   brought  together leading researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and activists working in the field of injury prevention in East Africa to share their research and experience and discuss solutions to the growing burden of injuries in the region.

The symposium was composed of  Panel discussions, oral presentations, poster presentation: Day 1  covered Technical content while day 2 shall covered  “Translating knowledge to action”.


To provide a venue for bringing together leading researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and prevention advocates from injury field from East African countries

To facilitate sharing of knowledge, research, stories, good practices and challenges in injury prevention

To facilitate discussion on possible solutions to the growing burden of injuries in the region

To promote building strong injury community in the region

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