Thursday 15 October 2020
8:00 – 9:30AM ECT
Road Safety in LMICs over the Next Decade. The Third Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Stockholm, Sweden, in February 2020 sponsored by the Government Offices of Sweden and the World Health Organisation outlined a number of recommendations aimed at achieving Global improvements in road safety up to 2030. Recently, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the “Second Decade of Action for road safety 2021-2030”. Both these resolutions called for an ambitious target of preventing at least 50% of road traffic deaths and injuries by 2030.
![proffesor Brian Fides - WEBINAR](
The session will be chaired by Professor Brian Fildes, Research Professor at the Monash University Accident Research Centre in Melbourne, Australia, and former president of AAAM. The ZOOM session will be recorded, and Questions and Answers will be encouraged at the end of the four presentations or by follow-up if needed. The session will form part of the AAAM 64th Conference but attendance at the Webinar will be FREE but separate to the main conference. We encourage your registration to the ZOOM Webinar as soon as possible as numbers may be limited by the platform capacity.
Four international road safety experts have agreed to join the panellists for this session.
![Olive Kobusingye](
![Dr. Blair](
A plan of Action for achieving these targets by the UN Road Safety Collaboration was called for. Given that more than 90 percent of severe injuries occur in Low and Middle Income Countries, the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM) have set up a Webinar among the road safety community to identify challenges and initiatives needed in these developing countries to help in achieving these goals.
We encourage your registration to the ZOOM Webinar as soon as possible as numbers may be limited by the platform capacity. Professor Frank Pintar will join us for the Q&A session.
Link to register your attendance?
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