Peishan Ning is an Assistant professor at the Department of Epidemiology and Health Statistics, Xiangya School of Public Health, Central South University.
Her major research interests focus on road traffic injury prevention, health policy and behavior change. She has published 50+ peer-reviewed papers, including 19 first- or corresponding-author papers on estimating the burden of injury, assessing the impact of data quality on reported road traffic mortality and morbidity, and developing and (or) evaluating road traffic injury interventions and policy. She serves as editorial board member of Frontiers in Public Health (Aging and Public Health section), Chinese Journal of Child Health Care (in Chinese), and Injury Medicine (electronic version) (in Chinese); young Board member of Road Traffic Injuries Research Network (RTIRN); a certified instructor of Safe Kids Worldwide; and the reviewer for journals including American Journal of Public Health, Journal of Medical Internet Research, JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, Journal of Global Health, Injury Prevention, BMC Public Health, Traffic Injury Prevention, etc.