Dr. Abdulgafoor Bachani
Dr. Abdulgafoor Bachani holds a PhD from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2011 MHS Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2008 BS, Bates College, 2003
His research focuses on health systems, as well as developing and implementing innovative approaches to measuring the burden of and preventing injury and disabilities. I hold a particular interest in developing approaches for: 1) the measurement of disability and understanding the long-term health, economic, and societal consequences of injuries; 2) enhancing the generation and use of valid and reliable data for injury prevention in low-resource settings; 3) applying novel information and communication technology approaches to injury prevention and disability; and, 4) developing sustainable capacity for research and practice in the field of injury prevention.
As director of the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit, he leads a diverse, multidisciplinary team of faculty and scientists to identify solutions, influence policy, and advance the field of injury prevention throughout the world.