The Global Road Safety Leadership Course: Making road safety a core value and not just a priority
Road safety is a critical concern worldwide, with traffic crashes causing millions of deaths and injuries annually. Addressing this issue requires collective effort and strong leadership.

In May 2023, Bonny Balugaba (RTIRN Board Secretary) had the privilege of attending the Global Road Safety Leadership course organized by Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit (JHU-IIRU) and Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), where experts and professionals came together to discuss effective strategies and initiatives aimed at reducing road crashes. This essay delves into the key insights gained during the course and the significance of effective leadership in fostering road safety.
Key Elements of Road Safety Leadership
The workshop emphasized that road safety leadership is not confined to a single entity but encompasses multiple stakeholders, including government officials, law enforcement agencies, NGOs, community leaders, academia and the private sector. The key elements of effective road safety leadership discussed in the workshop included: Shared Vision: Successful leaders demonstrated a clear vision for a safer road environment and a resolute commitment to achieving it. They recognized road safety as a priority and demonstrated unwavering dedication to implementing life-saving measures. Collaboration and Partnerships: Road safety is a multi-faceted issue, requiring collaboration among various stakeholders. Effective leaders fostered partnerships between government bodies, NGOs, businesses, and community organizations, leveraging combined resources and expertise. Advocacy and Public Awareness: Leaders played a crucial role in raising public awareness about road safety. They used their influence to advocate for responsible road behavior, seatbelt usage, responsible driving, and the dangers of distractions like texting while driving. Data-Driven Decision Making: Leaders utilized data and research to identify accident hotspots, analyze trends, and develop evidence-based strategies for targeted interventions. Evidence-based decision-making ensured resources were directed to where they were most needed. Infrastructure and Technology: Embracing innovative technologies and improving road infrastructure were essential components of effective leadership. Leaders explored opportunities to implement smart traffic systems, improve road designs, and enhance vehicle safety standards.
Workshop Case Studies and Success Stories: The workshop featured several case studies and success stories from different countries and regions. These case studies highlighted how effective leadership could lead to significant reductions in road crashes. Examples of successful road safety initiatives included implementing stricter enforcement of traffic laws, promoting road safety education in schools, designing safer pedestrian crossings, and campaigns to encourage responsible behavior on the roads.
The workshop also recognized the challenges faced in implementing road safety initiatives. Participants discussed obstacles such as political will, inadequate funding, public apathy, and resistance to change. However, they emphasized the importance of perseverance and creative problem-solving to overcome these challenges.
In a nutshell, attending the Road Safety Leadership workshop was a transformative experience. It underscored the relevance of a multi-pronged approach to road safety and the key role that multi-sectoral collaboration should play if road safety is to be realized around the world.

Article by Bonny Balugaba_ RTIRN Board Secretary