Dr. Margie Peden
Deputy Board Chair
Dr Peden was educated in South Africa and holds degrees in nursing and epidemiology. She worked as an ICU nurse for 10 years before taking up a position at the SA-MRC in 1993.
In 2000 she moved to WHO, Geneva, where she coordinated the unintentional injury prevention team for 17 years. She was the executive editor of both world reports on Road traffic injury prevention (2004) and Child injury prevention (2008). She also authored multiple WHO documents on road safety, adolescent health, alcohol, and other unintentional injuries. She coordinated WHOs contribution to the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety and the first three global status reports on road safety.
Dr Peden currently holds academic positions at Imperial College London and the University of New South Wales and an honourary position at Johns Hopkins University. She is Head of Global Injury at The George Institute for Global Health and Co-director of the WHO Collaborating Centre on Injury Prevention.
Dr Peden’s academic interests include identifying and evaluating appropriate interventions to prevent child injuries in low-income settings and implementing frameworks to improve nurses’ efficacy in emergency and accident units. She is particularly interested in using participatory methodologies to develop good practices for the most vulnerable in society.
To contact her email: m.peden@imperial.ac.uk