To reduce the burden of road traffic injuries, particularly in Low- and Middle-Income countries through the promotion, conduct and utilization of Research.
To establish networking mechanisms and assist in the creation of partnerships between RTI researchers and institutions globally, to support research and research capacity in low- and middle-income countries.
Message from the Board Chair

The other day an old friend called me with a distressing story. His brother walked out of a shop onto the street, and as he turned to walk to his car, a speeding motorcycle rammed into him, and both men and the machine rolled a few times before coming to a stop some 50 meters from the spot where they made contact. The cyclist suffered a serious head injury. My friend’s brother had four broken ribs, a fractured lower leg, and lacerations on the head. The duo were picked up by a good Samaritan in a regular car and conveyed to the nearest hospital. There was one junior doctor at that hospital.
We can all fill in the blanks. This horrific story, with a few variations, repeats itself hundreds of times across the globe daily. Read more
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